The short version

At best electronics, one of the main things I do is review electronics products to help you choose the best ones for your needs and budget. Writing articles and creating video and written reviews takes up a huge amount of time though, so I have to find ways to earn an income from the website

So, here’s how things work here: sometimes, if you click a link in an article and make a purchase from the company’s website it takes you to, I may earn a commission.

These links are called affiliate links, and you’ll find them all over the internet. They’re used by individuals and companies on their blogs, websites, and social media pages.

Not every link on this website can earn me money though. For example, links that lead to journal articles, news websites, medical information websites, and government organisations aren’t set up to earn a commission.

To be fully transparent and remove any guesswork on your part, I’ve added a disclosure at the top of every article that contains links that might earn me a commission if you buy something through them.

I’d also like to say that even though there is a commission element involved in some reviews, I will always do my utmost to provide you with honest recommendations.

If you’re unsure about that, let me put it this way: I have family and friends who watch or read my reviews, so I have them to answer to if they are not good quality!

Amazon Associates disclosure

Amazon has specific wording that they expect people to use when including affiliate links:

As an Amazon Associate, No Sleepless Nights may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from

The longer version

How the affiliate commissions work

Every company has a different approach to setting up affiliate links and commissions.

I always know in advance how much commission I might make if you buy a specific product, but I don’t control that commission rate. It can be as little as 0.5% and as much as 20% in some cases.

The link I use will have a tracking code specific to me. That way, the company knows to pay me a commission if you buy a product after clicking on my link.

If you don’t want me to earn a commission, you can type the company’s name into a search engine and find the product yourself. Or type the company’s website address into your browser at the top of the screen, and then search for the product.

Obviously, I’ll always be grateful to readers who use my links, but understand if you’d rather not.

Some companies have their own affiliate management program built into their website; others use third party websites like Shareasale, Impact Radius, or Parternize. That explains why sometimes you might click on a link and see an intermediary website address very briefly before landing on the company’s website.

Companies I earn affiliate commissions from

Here are the companies that I can earn a commission from if you buy their products via links on this website:

  • (also Amazon in other countries)

My integrity as an independent reviewer

The very existence of commissions creates an obvious temptation to hunt for the highest paying products and say how amazing they are.

In addition, companies sometimes ask if they can pay to have editorial control over a review, or write one themselves to publish on my website. I always refuse both of these requests because the article or video would not be independent with those arrangements.

I do sometimes accept a demo product to test out, but in most cases, I personally buy the products I review because I prioritise my position as an independent reviewer.

Ultimately, I have principles and always try to keep in mind the concept that I’m here to help others.

I’d like to think there is some solid evidence that I stick to my principles on this website. Firstly, none of my reviews of best electronics contain links that can earn commissions, even though they could if I chose to. So I’ve spent a lot of time testing and reviewing products that don’t earn a commission.

Secondly, I’ve spent lots of time creating videos and articles about products that pay smaller commissions comparatively, such as headphone and watch.

Finally, all of my friends and family, and many casual acquaintances know about this website. Over the years, many of them have told me they’ve visited the site to see if I’ve tested a product they were thinking of getting.

Knowing that is very motivational in ensuring I really put people first when creating reviews. The last thing I want is a disgruntled family member or a close friend telling me they bought something on my recommendation and it was rubbish!


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